Desert Garden Succulents & Cacti
Discover thirteen varieties of cacti and succulents growing at the Huntington Botanical Gardens in San Marino, California and get advice for using them in your own landscape.
By Gary Lyons
Photo by: Jennifer Cheung
A cactuscape interplays a carpet of blue Senecio serpens, bright yellow Echinocactus grusonii and candelabra-like pasacana (Echinopsis pasacana or Trichocereus pasacana). From South America, pasacana resembles the native saguaro of the Southwest (Carnegiea gigantea); it also flowers nocturnally.
Read on for thirteen more succulent and cacti varieties grown at the Huntington.
Read on for thirteen more succulent and cacti varieties grown at the Huntington.
Photo by: Jennifer Cheung
[1] ALOE ‘HENRY HUNTINGTON’ close up reveals a dramatic golden-yellow inflorescence up to 6 feet tall. And it’s a repeat bloomer. Developed by the Huntington, the plant forms a showy single-headed accent 8 to 12 feet tall.
Photo by: Jennifer Cheung
[2] ALOE MARLOTHII, from South Africa, with whorls of spiky leaves, produces canary-yellow or orange flowers adapted to bird pollination. Makes a 15-foot plant, good specimen for large pot or garden accent. Behind, Brazilian floss silk tree (Chorisia speciosa).
Photo by: Jennifer Cheung
[3] AGAVE PARRYI VAR. PARRYI, with black awl-shaped spines at ends of pudgy gray leaves, can take the cold of Zone 7—it is native to the Chihuahuan desert. A slow grower to 30 inches in diameter, then after 25 to 35 years it sends up an elegant tree-like flower stalk.
[4] MATUCANA INTERTEXTA is a small globular cactus from Peru, with starry red flowers in spring. Grown outdoors at the Huntington, but is best as a pot plant. It does better in a coastal environment with cooler summers.
[4] MATUCANA INTERTEXTA is a small globular cactus from Peru, with starry red flowers in spring. Grown outdoors at the Huntington, but is best as a pot plant. It does better in a coastal environment with cooler summers.
Photo by: Jennifer Cheung
[5] ECHINOCACTUS GRUSONII is the famous golden barrel cactus. It thrives in full sun. Good rockery accent or great in a pot. Plant forms a barrel up to 2 feet across, eventually a mound of offsets up to 4 feet in diameter. Zones 7-10.
[6] LAMPRANTHUS AURANTIACUS, a popular ground cover in Southern California, is also useful as an accent or even a potted specimen. Sheets of golden-yellow flowers appear in late winter and early spring.
[6] LAMPRANTHUS AURANTIACUS, a popular ground cover in Southern California, is also useful as an accent or even a potted specimen. Sheets of golden-yellow flowers appear in late winter and early spring.
Photo by: Jennifer Cheung
[7] DROSANTHEMUM HISPIDUM, a South African “mesemb,” is reported to grow outdoors in Colorado, but thrives as a full-sun, 8-inch-high ground cover in Zones 8-10. In late spring it is covered with a carpet of brilliant pink flowers. Not good for stabilizing hillsides, although frequently used there—its roots are too shallow to bind the soil.
[8] ECHEVERIA X IMBRICATA, introduced in the 1890s, is a sculptural heritage succulent with soft, pastel pinkish-blue leaves. Thrives in Zones 9 and 10 as a rockery plant in semishade. Becomes mound forming and can be propagated by offsets. Water when leaves become soft.
[8] ECHEVERIA X IMBRICATA, introduced in the 1890s, is a sculptural heritage succulent with soft, pastel pinkish-blue leaves. Thrives in Zones 9 and 10 as a rockery plant in semishade. Becomes mound forming and can be propagated by offsets. Water when leaves become soft.
Photo by: Jennifer Cheung
[9] KALANCHOE FEDTSCHENKOI makes a sprawling ground cover or pot plant in Southern California, where it takes light frosts. Cool temperatures add a pink blush to the leaves. If it gets rangy, replant with tip cuttings in fall or early spring.
[10] AGAVE VICTORIAE-REGINAE, Queen Victoria agave, forms a solitary ornately decorated rosette that grows up to 24 inches in diameter. Grow it as a rockery showpiece or a pot plant in Zones 8-10.Wait 35 to 45 years for it to flower.
[10] AGAVE VICTORIAE-REGINAE, Queen Victoria agave, forms a solitary ornately decorated rosette that grows up to 24 inches in diameter. Grow it as a rockery showpiece or a pot plant in Zones 8-10.Wait 35 to 45 years for it to flower.
Photo by: Jennifer Cheung
[11] FEROCACTUS GLAUCESCENS, similar to the golden barrel (both from Mexico) but smaller and eventually offsets to form spiny clusters 2 to 3 feet across. Use as an accent or put in a pot.
[12] ALOE ‘SOPHIE’ is named for my daughter—both delightful and unpredictable! ‘Sophie’ the aloe is a repeat bloomer, a feature rare in aloes, and produces showy canary-yellow blossoms. Performs well in full sun and semishade. Takes temperatures in the high 20s.
[12] ALOE ‘SOPHIE’ is named for my daughter—both delightful and unpredictable! ‘Sophie’ the aloe is a repeat bloomer, a feature rare in aloes, and produces showy canary-yellow blossoms. Performs well in full sun and semishade. Takes temperatures in the high 20s.
Photo by: Jennifer Cheung
[13] MAMMILLARIA HAAGEANA, a Mexican pincushion cactus, has tiny star-like pink flowers as early as February.