I’m Linda Hagen, a garden writer and content coordinator for GardenDesign.com, where I share gardening inspiration and practical advice to help gardeners create beautiful, thriving spaces. Gardening in Southern California’s hot, dry climate (Zone 9B), I’ve learned firsthand what it takes to cultivate a colorful landscape that supports pollinators and birds.

My love of gardening started when I planted purple pansies with my grandmother—an experience that sparked a lifelong appreciation for vibrant, flower-filled spaces. Today, I find the most joy in watching bees buzz from bloom to bloom and birds and butterflies bringing life to my garden. My approach to gardening is trial and error—I want all the plants, but I know that not everything will thrive. Some plants don’t work out, while others surprise me, and I believe that trying (and sometimes failing) is the best way to learn.

At GardenDesign.com, I collaborate with horticulturists and industry professionals to provide well-researched, helpful guidance to fellow gardeners. I’m passionate about helping readers make informed decisions—whether they’re choosing plants, tackling design challenges, or simply finding joy in whatever’s blooming.

A volunteer sunflower that popped up, most likely a seed spread by birds.

I was lucky enough to have 12 monarch butterflies hatch in my garden. The eggs were laid on milkweed plants planted in containers and then the plants were protected in a mesh enclosure until the butterflies hatched. So cool to see the whole process up close!

A colorful slice of plants in my front courtyard garden.

Colorful spring containers with ranunculus, calla lily, and calibrachoa.

Some of Linda's most popular articles on GardenDesign.com:

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