Individual Hanging Gardens
Plants, unplugged, might be the best way to describe the stunning suspended plant-artworks developed by one Fedor van der Valk, who makes these beautiful hanging plants in Amsterdam, under the name String Gardens. Uprooting flowers and trees from their regular terrestrial spots not only showcases the roots, so rarely seen by humans, but elevates the individuals plants into unexpected sculptures. (See our follow-up interview and slideshow of Van der Valk's creations.)

Photo by: Miep Jukkema.
The resulting string plants include these elegant suspended orchids. The plants and their root balls are placed into nets, which are covered with clover, moss, and grass. Photo by: String Garden.
Fedor van der Valk. Apparently, the artist has become so taken with his string plants that even his head has been replaced by one of his works. Photo by: String Garden.
Bright poppies appear out of the darkness, elevated to a height their fellow poppy blooms never get to see. According to an interview on Urban Gardens, van der Valk says that string plants need to be watered every three days, and some have built-in water reservoirs, while others have a drip system that keeps the root ball wet. Photo by: String Garden.
Azaleas look almost like hot air balloons, floating through the air. As the plants grow, they tip and sag, changing their center of gravity. Photo by: String Garden.
Globes of grass and dusty miller float about, in a suspended state, creating a mid-air alien landscape. Photo by: Anne Dokter.
(Plus: String Gardens says that he is working on developing a temporary workshop in the Berkshires, MA. Let's hope he comes here soon!)
See more garden-inspired art.